Managing Chaos: The Morning Routine That Empowers High-Level Leadership

Managing Chaos:

The Morning Routine That Empowers High-Level Leadership

Managing Chaos: The Morning Routine That Empowers High-Level Leadership

Where high-level executives and entrepreneurs exist, chaos can quickly take over as the day progresses. In a conversation with Mark Susnow, CEO of Inspire Possibility, we explored how leaders can reclaim control when life spirals into hectic disarray. Susnow, with his extensive experience in coaching and as a former trial lawyer, shared that the key lies in a consistent morning program, especially one that includes meditation. He emphasized that it's not about avoiding the inevitable challenges of leadership roles but how you handle them. According to Susnow, when you start your day centered, you're better equipped to navigate the unexpected with clarity and composure, a feeling of relief in the midst of chaos.

Susnow observed that many of his clients, who often feel stressed and overwhelmed by deadlines, difficult employees, or unexpected disruptions, tend to neglect their morning routines during these times. He pointed out that a lack of balance, rather than external circumstances, is often the real issue. Through his morning program, particularly meditation, Susnow prepares to stay connected to his center, enabling him to handle challenges effectively. He argues that this practice is crucial for maintaining emotional intelligence, which involves understanding and managing your emotions to better understand and interact with others.


It isn't about what happens in your life, because stuff's always going to be there; it's how you handle it.” - Mark Susnow, CEO of Inspire Possibility

Defining moments plays a significant role in shaping how we approach life and work, Susnow explained. Reflecting on his own life, he shared how quitting smoking the night before taking the bar exam became a test of his power. Despite failing the exam on his first attempt, the act of quitting smoking for good was a defining moment that revealed his inner strength. This experience, along with others, taught Susnow the value of proactive, positive actions in life, such as meditation, which he adopted during a time when his life felt out of control as a young lawyer. These moments of challenge and growth helped him understand the importance of having a personal life independent of professional demands, a lesson he learned when he prioritized a planned trip over a client's request, only to return to find new opportunities waiting for him.

Susnow encourages integrating gratitude into goal-setting to make dreams and goals work for you. For example, if you want to write a book, he suggests incorporating gratitude for the skills and qualities that will help you achieve it—such as discipline, motivation, and writing skills. By doing so, you not only reinforce a positive mindset but also start to visualize and manifest the outcomes you desire. Susnow believes that imagination plays a decisive role in shaping our lives through positive visualization or negative worry. He stresses the importance of redirecting our imagination towards positive outcomes, which can be more effective than traditional affirmations. This emphasis on gratitude can inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals.

The impeccability of one's word is another crucial aspect of leadership that Susnow emphasizes. This term refers to the quality of being reliable and consistent in keeping one's promises and commitments. He describes three levels of keeping your word: to others, yourself, and ultimately, making your word law. While most leaders are good at keeping their word to others, the real challenge lies in being impeccable with the commitments made to oneself. Susnow argues that consistently keeping your word to yourself builds personal power and integrity, which are essential for effective leadership. This habit eliminates the internal debate and doubt often accompanying unmet commitments, replacing them with confidence and a strong sense of self-trust.


Before concluding the interview, Susnow left the audience with two critical pieces of advice: take time each day for reflection, even if it's just five minutes, and be kind to yourself. He stressed that everyone has bad days, and it's crucial not to be too hard on oneself during those times. Additionally, while morning affirmations can be practiced in groups, Susnow recommends doing them individually to avoid dependence on others and maintain the routine. However, he acknowledges that participating in group meditation or similar activities periodically can deepen one's experience, likening it to receiving a booster shot. This stress on reflection and self-kindness can make you feel supported and understood in your leadership journey.

Mark Susnow's insights offer a practical yet profound approach for leaders striving to manage the complexities of their roles. By committing to a morning routine, reflecting on defining moments, integrating gratitude with goal-setting, and maintaining the integrity of their word, executives and entrepreneurs can navigate chaos with greater ease and effectiveness. These practices are not just about achieving success but about fostering a balanced, fulfilling life both personally and professionally.

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Article ID Number: TLOS-WA-014-146-001
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CEO of Inspire Possibility
The cornerstone of his life and work have been his daily meditation and yoga practices, which is rapidly growing in corporate recognition as the ‘new competitive edge’ and ‘sanity tool’ for executives. Mark knows change first hand, and inspires others to believe in themselves. He integrates on what it takes to be successful in the world, with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of maintaining these daily practices. This knowing has enabled him to understand the challenges that all of us face in these uncertain times and the insight to develop a strategy to transcend them.
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Source Documents

Susnow, Mark, CEO of Inspire Possibility. “How Leaders Can Get on the Positive Side of Change..” Titan's Laws of Success Podcast Episode 2, 18 May 2014